Hey Boss 👋
We get a million emails every day, don't we? Wouldn't you like your confirmation email to include a little bit of your personality instead of sounding like robot B092 from some movie?
Set a specific confirmation email message to be associated with a certain Appointment or Service within a few clicks.
Need a written tutorial? We got you 😁
Select Booking Pages from the top menu, then click on Appointment, Services, or Event according to what you'd like to customize.
Click the three dot icon of your desired card and then click on Edit.
Once you're in the settings for your Appointment, Product, Service, or Event, select Customization in the left sidebar menu, then click Email Messages.
Scroll down to find Confirmation and un-tick the checkbox that says Global. You can now enter your preferred text in the text box. Easy.
Still got a question? 🤚
If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch using the yellow chat icon in the bottom corner of your screen. We’re here to help.
Not a Boss yet? 🤔
If you haven’t already joined us, go ahead and sign up for a free 14-day free trial here. No credit card required - just love and support from us ❤️