Widget Categories: Social
When site visitors click the WhatsApp button, a chat opens on their device. On mobile, the widget opens in the user’s WhatsApp account. On desktop, the WhatsApp web version opens.
Make sure the phone number you add has a WhatsApp account associated with it.
If a site visitor does not have WhatsApp installed on their device, they will be directed to WhatsApp’s installation flow.
If a user clicks on the widget from an iOS tablet, they will be directed to a WhatsApp page that directs them to download the app on desktop or mobile.
For information on adding widgets, see Add Widgets.
Fore more information on widgets and the widgets library, see Widgets: Library and Overview.
Content Editor
To access the content editor, right click the widget and select Edit Content. Or, if you are in flex mode or Editor 2.0, the option to access the content editor is available in the floating menu.
Enter your WhatsApp phone number. Make sure the number has only digits and includes the country code.
Site visitors will be able to see the phone number.
2. (Optional) Type a default message. This is a message you will receive when your site visitors reach out. Visitors may edit this message.
3. Type Alt Text for the widget.
Design Editor
To access the design editor, right-click the element, and click Edit Design. Or if you are in flex mode or Editor 2.0, select Edit Design from the floating menu to open the design panel.
To make the widget a floating widget, enable the Floating toggle, and select a position for the widget. To display the floating button on the current page only, enable the Show on this page only toggle.
For information about design options that are not specific to this widget (for example, layout, style, or spacing), see Widget Design.