Only Account Owners and Staff Members can take this action. Staff Members who export the site list will receive a CSV file that only contains the information they have permission to view in the platform. For example, if they don’t have publish permission, their CSV will not contain the subscription column in the file, since this is not something they have permission to view in the platform.
The CSV file contains the following columns:
Site name
Site Alias
External UID
Site URL (if it exists)
Status (published or unpublished)
Creation date
First publish date (if it exists)
Last publish date (if it exists)
Auto renew settings (on, off, or null)
Next renewal date (if it exists)
Failed billing (value of TRUE, if a problem occurred with billing)
Export Site List
To export your site list:
Navigate to your dashboard.
Click the three horizontal dot icon next to the Create New Site button.
Select Export CSV. You will receive a success message and the CSV file will be delivered to your account email in .zip format.