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Site Export

You can export your published site to another hosting platform with our site export tool.

Justin avatar
Written by Justin
Updated over a month ago

Download a .zip folder containing your published site’s content including the files that appear on your live site, including HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images, and media files.


Once a site is exported, we are not able to support the site on the new platform. There may be additional development required to ensure your site works correctly on a new platform due to templates, widgets, user-agents, and so on.

Export a Site

Exporting a site means downloading a .zip file that contains your published site’s content including the files that appear on your live site, including HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images, and media files. The files are formatted to be installed on web servers and will work without needing the website editor. Additional development will be needed to ensure your site works correctly on a new platform. Since we use dynamic serving of content by device, we will generate three folders of HTML/CSS—one for each device.

We will not continue to track exported site stats since events tracking of the sites impressions and events will be removed, however Google Analytics will remain. Dynamic features, such as personalization, contact forms, and other features will stop working and not be available on the site. All tracking will remain on the site on our platform, but not on the exported site.

Keep in mind that you will not be able to make edits to the exported site using the website builder (after exporting onto your own server); you will need to make additional edits through the HTML and CSS.

To export a site to a .zip file:

  1. In the side panel, click SEO & Settings.

  2. Click Site Export.

  3. Click Export Site.

Features Not Included in Export

Following are the features that will not be available in the .zip file export:

  • Store. The store will not export into your .zip file, but you can export your products into a .csv file through the store control panel.

  • Blog. The blog will not export in the HTML of your site, but it will be available in the .rss file.

  • Dynamic pages.

  • 404 page. The 404 page will not be exported.

  • Password Protected Page feature. The password protected pages feature will not be exported, however the pages will be exported.

  • Personalization triggers. Rows and popups created using personalization rules will be exported, however the triggers associated with these rules will not be exported.

  • MapBox UI. Maps will not use MapBox to display location data on your exported site. Instead, exported maps will use OpenStreetMap to display locations previously set through MapBox.

  • vCita UI. While the online scheduling widget button will appear on the exported site, the vCita UI will not work and the button will not be usable.

  • Membership. Any data associated with Membership will also not be exported.

  • Apps. Any data associated with app will also not be exported.

Features That Appear but Will Not Work in Export

Some features will appear on the exported website, however they will not work on the site:

  • Opentable widget

  • Email option in the Share widget

  • vCita button

  • Product Gallery widget connected to Instagram

Site Export FAQs

Will custom widgets work on my exported site?

Custom widgets that are already placed in the site will be exported.

Will paid images work on my exported site?

Paid images that are already placed on the site will be exported.

What can I not do with the deliverables of the export tool?

After you have exported the site, you are not allowed to unminify the JS/CSS. You also cannot copy our template designs and sell them.

Does the export tool export the desktop site or all three views?

Since we use dynamic serving of content by device, we will generate three folders of HTML/CSS—one for each device.

Will all my images be optimized?

We will only export the images you have used on the desktop site. We will not export every optimized image size (images that appear on tablet and mobile will not be optimized for those views).

Does the export tool export the latest version of my live site or the site in my editor?

The export tool will export the live version of the site.

Can I export an unpublished site?

No, you cannot. In order to export your site, it must be published.

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